Hilariously Hysterical

影视资讯人气:525时间:2022-12-14 22:18:08

“We have an obsession with monitoring women‘s confidence and their hubris. It's tricky. When somebody asks you to go on the road. You don't always know…you don't know why. ” 在被笑声口哨声和欢呼声淹没的鼓掌里看哭了好多次。In a male dominated industry for almost forever, they really did it. 在和母亲出柜之后的沉默中以为关系就此破裂,却得到“We‘re going to Hooters, and we‘re gonna tell’em it's your birthday”的答复;当着就在房间里的性侵犯者,在一堆不看好的倒喝里勇敢挑明这个事实并贬低,用手掰开所有人的眼皮以镁光灯的强度逼着所有人睁眼看见大象就在房间里。感动和愤怒一样携带天然的强大的力量。“Once you yourself stand up against power, then the narrative changes. Hopefully, women in power become so ubiquitous that we don't have to talk about it anymore.” You are hysterical, in a hilarious way that drives everyone crazy.
