日前在日本刚顺利落幕的韩国艺界盛事《2022 AAA颁奖典礼》,聚集演艺圈内当红爱豆、演员,大咖云级的场面吸引大批媒体、粉丝到场,男帅女美的场面,不只让现场赞叹不已,典礼照曝光后更让大家目不转睛!
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今年典礼主持人由Super Junior利特、IVE成员张员瑛担任,两位不同世代的爱豆联手担任典礼MC,让人超期待!在典礼中访问众星、妙语如珠的场面,掀起不少高潮,特别是访问到同在现场的始源,更让大家笑说:好像在找猎物XD
okey leeteuk try to find his next target then he found siwon hen he called out siwon & listen how leeteuk make everyone there laugh & atmosphere become more bright indeed our nation mc leeteuk pic.twitter.com/wW1nZJShoW
— (@sunflow3rmin_) December 13, 2022
Wonyoung was supposed to announce the winner of the New Wave Actor Award, but she asked Leeteuk to do it instead, saying that it'd be better if he did it, & he said she understood him well... One winner was Leeteuk's member, Choi Siwon Witty Wonyoung pic.twitter.com/iDsTe2h55w
— starship girls (@starshipgirlz) December 13, 2022